Sunday 18 May 2014

Project (explosion)

Here are a few of the 25 rendered clips I made for the explosion. As you can see the first differs greatly from the last. Once I was finally happy with the explosion I had to import matte painting to the wall, track it and colour correct the scene, in hindsight I should have done this first because once the scene had been colour corrected the smoke stood out like a sore thumb and didn't blend into the background at all. I basically had to delete and import layers again and fiddle with opacity and colour correct the smoke itself. Once the smoke was done I used footage of debris to add to the destruction. We had originally intended to film our own debris against a blue screen and we did film it but in the end it became quite a challenge to import it to the scene and make it look effective. Once the explosion was taken care of I had to import the door created by my teammate into the scene. The door was surprisingly easy to fit in and it worked like a dream. All I really had to do was speed the beginning part of the sequence slightly to make it appear that it really was blasted of its hinges. For a finishing touch I added a slight camera shake onto the scene as well.

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